Silver Anniversary for .com domains

By Gareth
28th March 2010 at 11:17

This month marks the 25th anniversary for .com domains. The 15th of March 1985 was the day when the first .com domain was registered. A mere 6 domains were registered in 1985. It wasn’t until the 90’s when domain registration started to take off.

There are now over 80 million dot com addresses registered. Even in the mid 90’s not many even knew what a dot com address was let alone the internet as a whole. Nobody could have predicted the internet would be as big as it is today.

After 25 years, it is imperative that every business has a website. With 668,000 new .com domains being registered every month there seems to be no stopping the ongoing growth.

It is estimated that almost two billion people are now internet the internet, that is over one quarter of the world’s population.

1 Comment(s)

  • özge at 20:21 on 02/06/2015

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